"You don't need more time... you just need to decide"
Seth Godin
This quote rescued me the other day.
For the past 6 months, I've been working on a longer book (well longer for me--around 15,000 words). I was nearing the end of the (frightful) first draft and experiencing Writer Whiplash--where one minute your manuscript is great only to discover the next that it's been nothing but appalling drivel all along.
As I was going over the text and deciding what was good and what wasn't, what stays/what goes, the anxiety was building and I was dithering and beginning to unravel everything.
Like unknitting your knitting (not that I knit but you get the picture).
Like unknitting your knitting (not that I knit but you get the picture).
I felt I wouldn't ever finish. That I needed more time. That if only I had more time...
When this quote landed in my inbox.
"You don't need more time... you just need to decide."
It stopped the unraveling and the self-doubt in their tracks. It unstuck me from my perfectionism bog. And freed me to... (as Nike says)... just do it.
So. What is it you need to decide?