He's a lovely man and we had a blast. I think you'll enjoy the program. We're talking about the importance of reaching children where they are, how to best convey to children the Gospel in all its fullness, what makes this particular children's bible story book unique, what it was like writing the book. I will also be reading stories from the book every day for a week.
And they're offering the book free with a donation! What a deal. Quick don't miss out! Here's a link to their site where you can catch the inteview: Part 1 and Part 2.
I am also reading six stories from the book, and you can listen here:
The Story and The Song
A Giant Staircase to Heaven
Daniel and the Scary Sleepover
The Man who didn't have any Friends (none)
The Captain of the Storm
Washed with Tears
Here's what he said about the book: "This exquisitely illustrated collection of children's Bible stories are connected by a scarlet thread - every story whispers his name. Profound theological truths in storybook form, The Jesus Storybook Bible is nothing short of a masterpiece!" I told you he was lovely.