NEWEST NEWS JUST IN: Semolina and this blog have just been tagged by
The Ginger Cats (aka The Ginger Darlings) on their True Confessions Meme. (We had to check and find out what exactly a "meme" is. It's kind of a virtual "tag you're it" all around a theme, as far as we can tell. And clearly it's our turn... so now we know, here we go.)
(Semolina is of course the clever ginger cat seen in this picture of
The Handbag Friends.)
We're supposed to give away deep dark cat secrets is the idea but of course Semolina is a cat far too clever for such things. However, she will say this. As anyone who knows her will tell you, Semolina loves to say the word "ACTUALLY" rather loudly, quite without warning and very much all the time. Because first of all, it sounds nice to say; second of all, it feels nice to say; and third of all, she doesn't have a third of all.
In case you don't believe her, try it and ACTUALLY you'll soon see what she means. And ACTUALLY now Semolina is going to ACTUALLY tag:
Jago. (We aren't sure if he ACTUALLY has a cat, but we know he ACTUALLY can draw one!)