In London and in Hong Kong they do it with dustpan and brush. In New York it's a high speed truck thing that kicks up dust and repositions it...

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John Hendrix, an uber-talented artist and a friend, in an interesting article in the
New York Times yesterday about the insane NYC ritual called "alternate street parking." Here's an excerpt:
"AS if part of a carefully choreographed dance, at strict intervals, countless New Yorkers run from their homes and move their cars from the right side of the street to the left and from the left to the right. These rituals of alternate side parking, enforced by hefty fines and humiliatingly fluorescent window stickers, help make way for the Department of Sanitation’s street sweepers, which pass through our neighborhoods every day except Wednesday, when everyone gets a reprieve."
Your day kind of gets dictated by your car. And makes you sound like a very strict enforcer of time tables. "I must be back at my apartment absolutely no later than 12.20". "Breakfast is great but I cannot linger: it is imperative I am no later than 10.07 back on my doorstep."
I don't tell everyone it's all about the car. Too complicated. Too dull. Plus it sounds ridiculous. I just call it an appointment. Which it is. An appointment with my car, true. But one I definitely can't be late for--or I'll get a fine.
Which I suppose we can be grateful doesn't happen at every appointment we're late for...