Here (drum roll) is the very first sample of David Suchet reading from THE JESUS STORYBOOK BIBLE. You're hearing it way ahead of everyone else! Hope you enjoy it as much as I do.
I even got to actually meet him when he recorded it in April, in a studio in London. He is the most lovely, humble man. And a genius at what he does. He made it look easy which is a sure sign, as with anything, that not only is it quite the opposite, but you're in the presence of a master.
(Yes, Me and Poirot! BTW: that's a fat suit he wears on Poirot and his actual voice--as you'll see when you listen--is several octaves lower than Hercule Poirot--plus he doesn't have a mustache or an accent.) (well unless you count a British one, which I don't, having got one of them myself--accent not mustache--and as you know, if it's yours, then it's not an accent it's just how you speak and everyone else are the ones with the accent.)