Happy Birthday Phoebe Knapp. Pardon. What? Who?
Phoebe Knapp. She wrote the tune to "Blessed Assurance" (among more than 500 other hymns). She was born in New York 1839.
And did you know… one day in 1873, Knapp was having a pipe organ set up in her house when a fellow John Street Methodist Episcopal Church parishioner, a blind woman 20 years older than she was, came over for a visit. Knapp sat down at the piano to play the woman a tune she'd just composed. She asked the older woman what she thought the melody was saying, and the older woman--who's name was Fanny Crosby-- replied "Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine."
For the second verse, Crosby wrote: "Perfect submission, perfect delight, / visions of rapture now burst on my sight; / angels descending bring from above / echoes of mercy, whispers of love."